Val’s Blog

Connie Holen Connie Holen

Rethinking Preventative Health and Wellness in the Covid-19 Era

Covid 19 has changed the world. My frustration is that while this is a serious virus, the media, along with our national, state and local officials, have done little to promote and talk about the steps we can take to improve our own health and immune systems, RIGHT NOW!

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Connie Holen Connie Holen

YOU HAVE TO FIGHT! - Chris Cuomo

Chris Cuomo made a very important video on April 7th 2020 during his recovery form Coronavirus that is 100% relevant for those fighting this virus that has affected the entire world. It also got me thinking that the way he is telling folks to FIGHT your way back to better lung health and ultimately recovery from Coronavirus is the same way I have been telling people to fight for their physical, mental and emotional health for over 20 years.

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